The StoryBrand Framework

Classic Books

The StoryBrand framework is a marketing methodology that helps businesses create clear and compelling messaging by using a storytelling structure. Here are some ways you could apply a StoryBrand content layout to a landing page:

  1. Identify the main character: The main character of your StoryBrand story should be the customer or user of your product or service. Clearly identify and describe the main character on the landing page.
  2. Describe the problem or challenge: Clearly describe the problem or challenge that the main character is facing, and how it is impacting their life or business.
  3. Introduce the guide: The guide is the person or organization that is offering the solution to the main character’s problem. Introduce the guide on the landing page and explain how they can help the main character.
  4. Present the plan: Clearly outline the plan or solution that the guide is offering to solve the main character’s problem.
  5. Offer a clear call to action: Encourage the reader to take the next step by providing a clear call to action, such as filling out a form or making a purchase.

By following this structure, you can create a clear and compelling narrative on your landing page that helps the reader understand how your product or service can solve their problem and improve their life or business.

The StoryBrand Framework is a powerful tool developed by Donald Miller in his book “Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen” to help businesses create a clear and compelling brand message that resonates with their customers. The framework is based on the idea that a clear and compelling brand message is essential for any business looking to grow, as it helps customers understand the unique value that the business offers and how it can help them solve a problem or achieve a goal.

The key elements of the StoryBrand Framework are:

  1. A clear hero: This is your customer and the person who has a problem that needs solving.
  2. A guide: This is your business and the person or entity that can help the hero solve the problem.
  3. A plan: This is the solution or product that your business offers to help the hero solve the problem.
  4. A call-to-action: This is the step that the hero needs to take to start solving the problem and the way that they can take advantage of your guide and plan.

To create a storybrand, businesses must start by identifying the hero, the problem they face, and the desired outcome they want to achieve. The business must then position themselves as the guide who can help the hero achieve this outcome, by presenting a plan that addresses the problem and achieving the desired outcome. Finally, a clear call-to-action must be provided to the hero, this call-to-action should be simple, clear, and easy for the hero to take the first step towards solving the problem.

When businesses create a storybrand, it is centered on the customer, their problem, and the desired outcome. This way of creating a message makes it more appealing to the customer, and it creates a positive emotional connection with them, leading to a better chance to build brand loyalty.

Once the storybrand is created, it should be communicated across all channels, from the website, to social media, to email campaigns, in a consistent way. The storybrand should also be integrated into all internal communication and actions, such as training and development, sales, and customer service, this way all teams are aligned with the message, and the company can present a unified front to the customers.

In summary, the StoryBrand Framework is a simple and powerful tool that helps businesses create a clear and compelling brand message that resonates with their customers. It is based on the key elements of a clear hero, a guide, a plan, and a call-to-action. This framework helps businesses to focus on the customer’s problem, the desired outcome they want to achieve, and how the business can help them achieve that outcome. This customer-centric approach creates a positive emotional connection with the customer and helps to build brand loyalty. Once the storybrand is created, it should be communicated consistently across all channels and integrated into all internal communication and actions to create a unified front for the customers.