Organizing WordPress pages and posts.


There are several ways you can organize your WordPress posts by type or create a navigation bar or sidebar:

  1. Using categories: You can use WordPress categories to organize your posts by type. When creating a new post, you can assign it to one or more categories. You can then create a menu item or widget that displays a list of categories, allowing visitors to browse your posts by category.
  2. Using tags: You can use WordPress tags to add additional context to your posts. When creating a new post, you can add one or more tags to it. You can then create a menu item or widget that displays a list of tags, allowing visitors to browse your posts by tag.
  3. Using custom taxonomies: WordPress allows you to create custom taxonomies to organize your posts in ways that are specific to your website. For example, you could create a custom taxonomy for “Genre” to organize your posts by the genre of music they cover. You can then create a menu item or widget that displays a list of terms in the custom taxonomy, allowing visitors to browse your posts by genre.
  4. Creating a navigation bar: You can create a navigation bar in WordPress by going to “Appearance > Menus” in the dashboard. From there, you can add menu items for various pages, posts, categories, or custom links. You can then assign the menu to a location in your theme, such as the header or footer, to display it on your website.
  5. Adding a sidebar: You can add a sidebar to your WordPress website by going to “Appearance > Widgets” in the dashboard. From there, you can add widgets for various purposes, such as displaying a list of categories, tags, or recent posts. You can then assign the sidebar to a location in your theme, such as the right or left side of the content area, to display it on your website.