Max Discovers Divine Command Theory

Rough Drafts

Chapter 1:

Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom ruled by a wise and just king, there lived a young prince named Max. Max was a kind and curious boy, always eager to learn and do what was right. One day, while exploring the kingdom, he came across a group of people who were treating each other very poorly. They were being cruel and selfish, and Max couldn’t understand why they were acting that way.

He went to the king to ask for guidance, and the king explained to him about the Divine Command Theory. The king told Max that there is a divine being, who is all-knowing and all-good, and that this being has given commands about how we should treat each other. The king said that these commands are the foundation of morality, and that if we follow them, we will be doing what is right.

Max was fascinated by this idea, and he set out to learn more about the divine commands. He asked the king to teach him what the commands were, and the king agreed. The king taught Max that the most important command was to love others as we love ourselves. The king also taught Max that it was important to be honest, fair, and kind to others.

Max was determined to put these commands into practice, so he went back to the people he had seen treating each other poorly. He spoke to them about the divine commands and how they should treat each other with love, honesty, fairness, and kindness. At first, the people were skeptical, but Max’s kind and persistent words eventually convinced them to change their ways.

The kingdom was transformed. The people were happier, kinder, and more just. And Max, who had been an eager student, became a wise and just king like his father. He ruled the kingdom with compassion and fairness, always guided by the divine commands.

And from that day on, the kingdom was known as the land of the divine commands and the people lived in peace, happiness and harmony.

The end.

Chapter 2:

After his success in spreading the divine command theory in his own kingdom, Max set out to visit the neighboring village. He wanted to share the teachings of the divine being with the people there and help them live happier and more just lives.

As soon as he arrived at the village, Max noticed that the people there were struggling. They were fighting, stealing, and treating each other poorly. Max knew that the divine command theory could help them, so he set out to teach them about it.

He started by telling them about the teachings of Jesus and how they taught us to love God and love people. He explained that when we follow this command, we will naturally treat each other with kindness and respect.

Then, Max taught the people about the 10 commandments, which are a set of rules given by the divine being to help us live good lives. He explained that if they followed these commandments, they would be doing what was right and pleasing to the divine being.

Finally, Max taught the people about the fruits of the spirit, which are qualities that we should strive to have in our lives. These fruits include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

The people in the village were amazed by what Max was teaching them. They had never heard of these concepts before and were eager to learn more. So, Max spent the next few weeks teaching them about the divine command theory and helping them put it into practice.

With Max’s guidance, the people in the village began to change. They stopped fighting, stealing, and treating each other poorly. Instead, they started to treat each other with love, kindness, and respect. They became more peaceful and more just.

Max was happy to see the positive change that the divine command theory had brought to the village. He knew that it would continue to help the people there live better lives. And as he left the village, he felt a sense of joy and satisfaction knowing that he was able to share the love and wisdom of the divine being with others.

The end.