Exploring the Dark Triad of Personality Traits: Narcissism, Machiavellianism, and Psychopathy


The Dark Triad is a group of three personality traits that are commonly associated with negative and harmful behavior. These traits include Narcissism, Machiavellianism and Psychopathy. Narcissism is characterized by an inflated sense of self-worth, a preoccupation with one’s own success, and a need for admiration from others. Machiavellianism is characterized by manipulation and deceit, a willingness to use any means necessary to achieve one’s goals, and a lack of moral principles. Psychopathy is characterized by a lack of empathy, remorse, and a tendency towards impulsive and antisocial behavior. Together, these traits make up the Dark Triad, and individuals who score high on these traits are often perceived as being highly manipulative and lacking in moral principles. It’s important to note that these traits are not mutually exclusive and an individual can score high on one trait and low on the other two. Additionally, the term “Dark Triad” is a construct created by researchers and it should not be seen as a label for an individual.

Dark Triad Expression: Machiavellian

Machiavellianism is a personality trait characterized by manipulation, deceit, and a lack of empathy. People who score high on the Machiavellianism scale are often perceived as shrewd, cunning, and cynical. They tend to believe that the end justifies the means and are willing to use any means necessary to achieve their goals, even if it means lying, cheating, or exploiting others. They are often highly skilled at reading and manipulating other people, and are not easily swayed by emotions or moral qualms. They also tend to have a great ability to hide their true intentions and feelings. They tend to be cold, calculating, and unemotional, and are often willing to sacrifice others for their own gain.

  • The functional opposite of “manipulative” could be “authentic” or “genuine” as it implies honesty and transparency in one’s actions and intentions. The functional opposite of “opportunistic” could be “principled” or “integrous” as it implies following a set of moral or ethical principles, even if it means forgoing potential opportunities.

Dark Triad Expression: Narcissist

Narcissism is a personality trait characterized by excessive self-love and self-importance. Narcissists have an inflated sense of self-worth and believe that they are superior to others. They tend to be highly self-centered, and are often preoccupied with fantasies of power, success, and attractiveness. They crave attention and admiration from others and can become easily offended if they don’t receive it. They often have a strong sense of entitlement, believing that they deserve special treatment. Narcissists can be very charming and convincing, but their charm is often superficial and they may use it to manipulate and exploit others to get what they want. They also tend to be arrogant, boastful, and lack empathy for others. They tend to be sensitive to criticism and may react with rage or vindictiveness when their self-image is challenged.

  • A leader can be seen as the functional opposite of a narcissist in the sense that a leader generally focuses on the success and development of their team, organization or community, while a narcissist prioritizes their own self-interests and needs. A leader uses their confidence, knowledge, skills and abilities to empower and guide others, whereas a narcissist uses these traits to inflate their own ego and control others.

Dark Triad Expression: Psychopath

Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of empathy, remorse, and a tendency towards impulsive and antisocial behavior. People with psychopathy are often described as charming, but they can also be cold and calculating. They have a tendency to manipulate and exploit others for their own gain, and have a complete disregard for the rights and feelings of others. They are highly impulsive, and may engage in risky behaviors without considering the consequences. They also tend to be arrogant and have a strong sense of superiority. They are often very good at hiding their true nature, making it difficult for others to detect their manipulations or lack of empathy. They may be able to hold down jobs and maintain relationships, but they tend to be lacking in moral principles and often engage in criminal activities. They are also known to have a high degree of impulsivity and a low degree of anxiety.

  • Empathy is often considered to be the opposite of psychopathy, as psychopaths are characterized by a lack of empathy and emotional affect, while empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. People who are high in empathy are able to recognize and respond to the emotions of others in a compassionate and appropriate way, while psychopaths tend to be indifferent or even callous to the feelings of others.

The association of these dark traits is that individuals high in these traits tend to engage in negative and harmful behavior. Narcissists are often perceived as arrogant and self-centered (examples: celebrities & politicians), Machiavellians as deceitful and manipulators (examples: cartel bosses & ruthless businessmen), and psychopaths as lacking empathy and prone to impulsive and antisocial behavior (examples: lifelong criminals & violent individuals). Narcissism is the most common of the three traits, and is found in a significant proportion of the general population.

Research suggests that these traits tend to co-occur in individuals, but it is not clear if one leads to the other. Some studies have found that individuals who score high on one of the dark triad traits also tend to score high on the others. However, it’s important to note that these traits are not mutually exclusive and it’s possible to have high scores in one trait and low scores in the other two.

Low-functioning individuals with high scores on the Dark Triad traits may have a harder time functioning in society and may engage in more harmful and destructive behavior. They may struggle with impulse control, have difficulty maintaining relationships, and have a tendency towards criminal behavior. They are also more likely to have co-occurring mental health issues such as addiction or antisocial personality disorder.

On the other hand, high-functioning individuals with high scores on the Dark Triad traits may be able to mask their negative traits and be successful in their personal and professional lives. They may be able to maintain relationships and hold down jobs, but they may still use manipulation and deceit to get what they want, and lack empathy for others. They may also be more likely to engage in unethical behavior in pursuit of their goals.

It’s important to note that having high scores on the Dark Triad traits does not automatically mean that an individual is low or high functioning. It’s possible for someone to have high scores and not engage in harmful or destructive behavior, or to have low scores and still engage in negative behavior. The context, environment, and the way an individual uses their traits all play a role in determining how functional they are in society.